TOEFL ITP/PBT PRACTICE TEST: The Listening Practice test two


This is a practice test for PBT or ITP test, in this practice test you will have the understanding in Listening section test. The Listening Practice test PBT/ITP TOEFL is taken from The Longman TOEFL Preparation Book for PBT test. Before doing this Listening Practice test, I suggest you to read the TOEFL Strategies in the listening section. 
by understanding the TOEFL Strategies, You will do the test well, and you will know the great ways to finish all questions on the TOEFL test. I have also shared the Complete TOEFL test that you can download for free and then can be used to measure your Skills in doing with the Practice TOEFL.
The file is pdf including the audio mp3. you should have installed the PDF Software to be able to read the file. and then you can prepare yourself before going to do the Listening Practice. After doing the Listening Practice then you go to the next practice; Structure and Written Expressions. do that practice and Analyze your skills carefully.. you must know where your weaknesses are, and then try to solve them. 

How to Download The Listening Practice test two for  PBT TOEFL?

I don't host the file directly on my online storage, so I can't make sure whether the link still work or not. if you are having the problem when downloading the file. Leave your comment, and I will try to fix the problem.
After downloading the Listening Practice test two, you can choose the time and place for practice. You can put yourself into a comfortable condition so that you can have the best result after doing a practice test.
Click the link below the post to download the file, and wait for few minutes to see the download link.

Download All Listening Practice Test two

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