TOEFL PBT PRACTICE TEST: Sample Test Structre and Written Expression


"sample toefl pbt practice test structure written"
toefl test structure

To get high scores on the TOEFL test, You need to do some Practice tests. On the TOEFL PBT or ITP test, You will face the second section; Structure & Written Expression test. This is a sample practice TOEFL test for you.

Part A : Structure Question

1. The North Pole___________ a latitude of 90 degrees north.
A.    Has
B.    Is having
C.    Which is having
D.    It has
2. Henry Adams, born in Boston, ___________ famous as a historian and novelists.
A.    Became
B.    Becoming
C.    He was
D.    And he became
3. A pride of lions _______ up to forty lions, including one to three males, several females, and cubs.
A.    Can contain
B.    It contains
C.    Contain
D.    Containing
4. The prisoners were prevented from speaking to reporters because ________
A.    Not wanting the story in the papers
B.    The story in the papers the superintendent did not want
C.    The public to hear the story
D.    The superintendent did not want the story in the papers
5. The greenhouse effect occurs _________ heat radiating from the sun
A.    When does the earth’s atmosphere trap
B.    does the earth’s atmosphere trap
C.    When the earth’s atmosphere traps
D.    the earth’s atmosphere traps
6. The boy _______ going to the movies with a friend.
A.    He is
B.    He always was
C.    Is relaxing
D.    Will be
7. The companies ________ the lowest prices will have the most customers
A.    Is offering
B.    Offering
C.    Offered
D.    Which are offered
8. Since the bank _______ in less than an hour, the deposits need to be tallied immediately.
A.    Closing
B.    Closed
C.    To close
D.    Closes
9. If ultraviolet radiation enters the earth’s atmosphere, ________ generally blocked by the ozone concentrated in the atmosphere.
A.    It
B.    It is
C.    So it is
D.    The it
10. According to the third law of thermodynamics,_________ possible is -273.16 degree centigrade.
A.    That temperature is lowest
B.    The temperature is lowest
C.    Lowest temperature
D.    The lowest temperature
11. Dolphins from extremely complicated allegiances and _________Continually change.
A.    Enmities that
B.    That are enmities
C.    Enmities that are
D.    That enmities
12. It is at the age of approximately eighteen months ______children begin to make combination of two or three words.
A.    When many
B.    When are many
C.    When do many
D.    When have many of the
13. Not only _________ more brittle than hard maples, but they are also less able to withstand high winds.
A.    Soft maples are
B.    Are soft maples
C.    They are soft maples
D.    Soft maples
14. Before every presidential election in the United States, the statisticians try to guess the proportion of the population that ________ for each candidate.
A.    Are voted
B.    Voting
C.    To be voted
D.    Will vote
15. A politician can make a legislative proposal more _______ by giving specific examples of what its effect will be.
A.    To understanding
B.    Understandably
C.    Understandable
D.    When understood

Part B. Written Expressions

16. The wave lengths of ultraviolet light are short than those of visible light but longer than those of X-
17. All thoroughbreds are descended from three Arabian stallion imported into England between 1689
And 1724.
18. By measuring the rate of decay of potassium isotopes in volcanic ash, scientists can date the layers of

Volcanic ash and any human remains in they
19. Hundreds of partial to complete fossils skeletons triceratops have been gather in North America from
Rocks of the late cretaceous period.
20. By the time of the dinosaurs, turtles have already developed the hard shell into which their heads and
Legs could be drawn.
21. A zoom lens produces an inverted real image, either on the film in a camera and on the light-sensitive
tube of a television camera.
22. Because the tachinid fly is a parasite of harmful insect, much species have been imported into the 
United States to combat insect pets.
23. The leaves and the young twigs of the henna plant are ground into a powder to produce a paste that
Can used as dye.
24. The electromagnetic spectrum consists in bands of different wavelengths.
25. Manganese, found in trace amounts in higher animals, activates a large amount of the enzymes
involved in metabolic processes.
26. Algebra is the branch of mathematics concerned with operations on sets of number or other elements
that are often represented at symbols.       
27. Sirius, the dog star, is the most brightest star in the sky with an absolute magnitude about twenty-three
times that of the sun

28. Benny Goodman was equally talented as both a jazz performer as well as a classical musician
29. No longer satisfied with the emphasis of Denishawn School, Martha graham is moving to the staff of

the Eastman school in 1925

30. When a pearl is cut in a half and examined under a microscope, but its layers can be seen.
31. A conductor uses signals and gesture to let the musicians to know when to play various parts of

32. The ford motor company introduced the moving assembly line in 1914 so that it will be able to meet
The huge demand for its model.

33. William Hart was an act best known for his roles as western heros in silent films
34. The state seal still used in Massachusetts designed by Paul Revere, who also designed the first

Continental currency.

35. The closer it gets to December 21, the first day of winter, the short the days become.
36. Many of recording used in vary branches of science are kymographs.
37. Like snakes, Lizards can be found  on all others continents except Antarctica
38. Petroleum it is composed of a complex mixture of hydrogen and carbon.
39. Almost half of the pilgrims did not survive theirs first winter in the new world.
40. Studying English are very important to get new knowledge.



3 Responses to "TOEFL PBT PRACTICE TEST: Sample Test Structre and Written Expression "

  1. where is the answer?

  2. 1. A
    2 A
    3 A

    16 B
    17 C
    22 B
    31 B
    32 C
    33 A
    34 B
    35 D
    37 C
    38 A
    39 C
    40 B


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