TOEFL ITP Listening Actual Test 2021

toefl itp listening 2020 and 2021 audio download
Listening is one of the sections on the toefl itp test. There are 50 questions in which is divided by three sections; Part A is a short conversation between two people, and after that there is a questions that follow. you have around nine seconds to answer each question. TOEFL Listening ITP actual test is not really hard if you always practice regularly by listening any english conversation and also prodcast. if you never practice, of course i can be little bit hard to get good scores. TOEFL ITP Listening actual test in 2020/2021 is same with previous years. but you need to understand the chararacter of the listening TOEFL test. 

The second part is Part B, This part is long conversation between two people talking about common topic normally daily life topic. the vocabularies used in this part are not too dificult to understand , but you need to be careful to answer the questions because tricky. most of the questions will have the different style with next number. overall al questions will test you how well you understand spoken english. 

the question begins from 31 to 38, so there are eight question for two topic of the conversation. one topic consist of four question. the last part is part c ( Talk ) this part will be more hard than Previous part ; Part A/B. The Part c is a talk by a lecture or proffesore , generally the topic is about lesson at school. Part C is from 39 to 50 questions. 

You need to be focus on listening to the talk, if not , you will not know which one is  as the best choice for each question. in part c , is long talk and the lecture will explain the topic until finshed. make sure you pay attention on the fisrt one minute talk, it has contain many key words for you.

Practice on listening TOEFL is needed so much in order to get good score and get many correct numbers. sometimes we only focus on grammar, so we forget to practice listening skill. what i want to do now is to share real / actual lsitening TOEFL ITP

you can download the listening file and try to understand each questions , practice is very good, do it every day at least one time. 

Tips to get good scores on Listening

  • Fisrt you need to be familiar with the english words and their pronunciation, to deal with that you need to do small practice by listening short story, english conversation videos, and improve your listening to higher level by listening news or english proadcast.

  • Be familiar with the direction of listening TOEFL ITP , you need to understand how many questions and sections on the listening test.

  • do some listening practice using your english toefl book, if you dont have please visit this website 

How to download the Listening TOEFL ITP 2021 actual test?

No worries , i will share some real listening TOEFL ITP Test and you can get all for free by visiting the link below.  if you have any trouble to get the files please feel free to contact me. 

Listening Actual Test TOEFL ITP is good for you to know the real toefl listening test. recommended for people who haven't taken the test, or for people who want to improve and know the strategies to do the listening section on ITP Test. 


5 Responses to "TOEFL ITP Listening Actual Test 2021"

  1. Thank you for sharing listening file. I would like to request listening test question for this audio file. I could not find it in your post. We haven't done without this. Please upload the question paper.

  2. does the question paper already uploaded?

    1. We will, we want to change the audio in better quality. stay tune

  3. Where I can find the listening test of this audio?


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