What does IELTS mean and How to mark the IELTS Test?

 I don't know IELTS, What does IELTS Test mean?

The word IELTS was the first time I heard from a friend of mine who had just graduated from his education at the University. he is my childhood friend and loves to read and learn new things. let's say her name is jesika. he was one of the people who introduced the word IELTS for the first time. Actually, I'm not really interested in learning more about the word because I didn't really like English since I was at school. But there's nothing wrong with learning new things, especially IELTS.

'ielts means'

What is IELTS?

IELTS or stands for International English Language Testing System is a test to measure English language skills where test takers will get an IELTS certificate which is very useful for future career advancement.

The IELTS test is taken by many undergraduate students because they have many interests and this IELTS Certificate can help them to make it easier for them to apply to foreign universities, especially countries in the UK region, and also as a requirement to apply for jobs. you can prepare for ielts before registering for the exam. the good way to learn toefl by reading some ielts books such as Cambridge for Grammar IELTS and for Speaking you can also read 15 days ielts speaking book and audio. those books can help you prepare before doing ielts exam.

Today many organizations, both private and government, want their workers to have additional skills not only in academics but also in the field of language. English is a language that has been recognized by many countries in the world as an official language in the international arena. The British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia, and Cambridge Assessment English collaboratively own ELTS.

Countries that usually require an IELTS certificate include Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK and USA. The IELTS test is also one of the requirements for those of you who want to apply for Tuition Scholarships both at home and abroad.

What skills are tested in the IELTS Test?

IELTS is a language test that has been designed to determine the quality of the English language of someone whose mother tongue does not use English. The abilities that will be tested in the IELTS Test include:

  • Listening
  • Writing
  • speaking
  • and Reading.

For those of you who will take the IELTS Test. Make sure first that you are used to and know the four types of questions.In addition to knowing the type of questions being tested, in the IELTS Test, it is quite important to know the type of IELTS test that will be taken, whether the IELTS Test is for Work or College. So, this should be taken into consideration for you so that later the IELTS certificate is in accordance with the required requirements.

In addition to aiming for work and study requirements, the IELTS test is also a requirement for people who want to move countries or immigration.

How is IELTS marked?

Taking IELTS exam is one of the biggest decision because you need much money to spend for this test. after taking test, you will get the mark for knowing the level of your english. the higher your mark, the better your english level. this remark on IELTS exam follows the four criterias;

  • Fluency
  • Lexical 
  • Coherence
  • Gramatical accuracy 

you will get IELTS score and it is called IELTS band scores. the band scores indicate how level you have. to make good understanding the level of your ielts, plese see the picture below.

Two types of IELTS Exam

You know there are two types of IELTS Exam ; Acdemic and General Training. when you decide to take the IELTS, make sure you know the difference between those Types. 

Academic Training means the Test intends to fill the requirment for College admission, and General Training menas the test intends to fill the Job application. you can choose one of these types depending on the purpose of yourself.

Who owns the IELTS?

The IELTS is developed by language specialists from Australia, New Zealand, the UK and the USA, and Canada. The test covers four sections: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. you can register for IELTS test at ielts.org, British counsil , or IDP. just visit the sites. 

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