The benefits of reading activity

Does reading have benefits?

what is the benefit of reading, reading has alot of benefits, advantages of reading activity
Benefits of reading
Reading is an activity to try understanding the meaning and message of the text.  In this article we will see what the benefits of any reading activity. If you are a student, reading will always be done in every chance. It is maybe because you must do it to get good grade at school. After passing from school, perhaps reading a book will be ignored because of some reasons. So, in this article we will learn how important of reading and how it effects of our knowledge. Reading can be done in any ways such as reading books, novel, articles on internet etc. Reading is one of activity that can be done by everyone around the world from kids, teenagers, or even adults. It’s not difficult to find the book or article we want because now days it’s easy to get anything on internet especially books or articles. If we like to read, the time we have is not useless. In holiday time, many things we can do to spend our day. One of those things is reading. So don’t spend our day with the bad activity, but try to read the book so that we will have many benefits of it.
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What are some benefits of reading?

1. Reading gives us an entertainment

The first benefit of reading is giving us entertainment when we are alone and bored. By reading a certain topic or interesting book we feel comfortable to enjoy the day. We can choose a certain book which interests us, and it will be more exciting when we are reading. If we are tired when reading, it’s wise to take a rest for a while. Don’t push the energy to always read even though the book is not yet finished. When we get bored, we can read something nice like a novel. The novel we are reading will give us the story, and then we will come into it. Slowly the bad mood will be gone while reading.  

2. Source of knowledge

One of the biggest knowledge is from reading. It is the source of science that is useful for us. Before reading, we must choose thebook suitable for our interest. For example, if we like designing then try to find the book about it. The content of the book must have a positive idea so that we will have new information from what we read.

3. Giving inspiration or motivation

Reading not only gives new knowledge but also invites us to always do a positive things. When we read the story of famous people, we will influence the story. It can motivate us to do like on the story.  The biography of famous people sometimes tells the way thy rich their success. It will come inside our mind to always think about how to be amazing people. Being amazing people is not imitate what they wear or do, but imitate their spirit in getting success. To be a success needs struggle and never stop until we have arrived on our dream.
In conclusion Reading is an important think we can do to get new knowledge, and give self-motivation for us. Reading has a lot of benefits to us if we realize that the reading is also important. by reading we can have alot of new vocabularies to improve our spoken English.

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