the TOEFL Structure Strategy: Sentence has A Subject and A Verb

"structure toefl tips and strategies"

TOEFL Structure Strategy: Sentence has A Subject and A Verb

Some sentences in English have just one subject and verb, and it is very important for you to find the subject and verb in the sentence. In Structure questions, You have an opportunity to identify the best word to complete the sentence. you must have strategies on these questions because it's easy to find the subject and verb. However, certain structures, such as objects of preposition, appositive, and participle, can cause confusion in locating the subject and verb because each of these structures can look like a subject or a verb. the object of a preposition can be mistaken for a subject. therefore you need to have strategies to do the following in sentences with one subject and verb.
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Structure Strategy: Sentence has a subject and a verb

You know that to make a sentence in English, You must put a subject and a verb in order to be a complete sentence.
Example: ........... is taking a trip to New York.
a. They
b. When
c. The woman
d. Here

In the sentence above, you should notice that the sentence has a verb ( is taking ), and that the verb needs a subject. Answer c is a correct answer because the woman is singular, and matches with the verb in the sentence.
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Tips to do the structure and Written expression

1. Study the sentence.
you should know that the sentence must have at least one subject and verb.
2. Study each answer based on how well it completes the sentence. Eliminate the answer that doesn't complete the sentence
3. Don't leave any answer blank. be sure to answer all questions even if you are not sure of correct responses.

That is the TOEFL Strategies on Structure Question.

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